April 8, 2020

I cut my own hair at home and I’m surprised by how well it turned out (here’s how I did it)

I cut my own hair at home and I’m surprised by how well it turned out (here’s how I did it)

April 8, 2020

July 4, 2019

My curly-haired friend and I try the Trepadora vegan curly hair care

My curly-haired friend and I try the Trepadora vegan curly hair care

July 4, 2019

trepadora review hair care

May 21, 2019

A (new age) fake tan comparison: Isle of Paradise vs Oskia

A (new age) fake tan comparison: Isle of Paradise vs Oskia

May 21, 2019

May 17, 2019

Split Ender machine – hair trimmer review for split ends

Split Ender machine – hair trimmer review for split ends

May 17, 2019

split ender review split ends hair

October 17, 2018

Gisou Hair Mask review & drugstore comparison

Gisou Hair Mask review & drugstore comparison

October 17, 2018